Why all the Influential people in life are on twitter and why it should matter to you

News 06:04 April 2024:

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If there are one place where everyone has an equal opportunity to air their views without the fear of judgment, it is on twitter. And if you are a popular culture kind of enlightened guy, you would know that most human rights movements, public figures and celebrities are all on twitter. Even the great companies you would love to work n are all on twitter, but they may never hire you if you are never active on twitter. You see, every influential person knows that all the mature and socially concerned citizens are every airing their views on twitter, which is why they have to be there and interact with them.

Similarly to you, if you want to have a good say on twitter and be listened to, start by looking for 1000 twitter followers or more. Then start interacting with them to develop loyalty and trust, and soon you will realize that you could be the next most influential person in your city.