Can You Grow Up To 1000 Twitter Followers By Following Others?

News 01:04 April 2024:

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The easiest way to attract people up to even 1000 Twitter followers is by following as many accounts as possible with the hope that they will follow back. It is seen as respect to reciprocating and following back anyone who has followed you. But in most cases, some tweeps may choose not to follow back. Would it be a futile effort in gathering followers using this option? It is in such scenarios that you find a huge discrepancy between the number of followers and the numbers you are following. Such statistics are a time bomb to your account as you are likely to drive away potential followers than attracting them to your way.

This is worse in situations where you followed all these Twitter accounts in one go as a newbie. Such portray spamming activities that may put you account in question with Twitter administrators that may lead you to lose your account. Avoid such futile efforts if you want to gain over 1000 Twitter followers without losing your account. Always use other thoughtful approaches and try and balance the two figures as you grow your account.